I am so not fond of that last shot of me, but in the interest of showing you what I was wearing, I thought I should post it :). The hairstyle is completely unfortunate-looking but was very popular in the 1850s. We can only assume that the same fashion theories applied to hairstyles; making the hair wider to make the waist appear thinner!
We had a great time at Candlelight (hubby really enjoyed himself and can't wait to do it again next year) and for the most part the kids weren't too horribly behaved.
First person reenacting with children really is an experience though! They did not buy into the game the first night and kept asking to go home, but by the second night they were playing along and calling each other Willie and Johnny and accepting that I was supposed to be their "auntie". Hopefully, with a few more years under their belts they will be pros and maybe they will learn not to shoot the pop-guns at the guests in the window (whom they are not supposed to see)!
I'm woefully behind on sewing for our cold weather events, and have loads in the sewing pile, so look for more sewing/inspirations posts later this week! (And project posts, if by some minor miracle I stay on track and get the clothes done :)!
I am so VERY VERY VERY glad you wore your hair that way! I have never seen anyone do this and I think it's fabulous. What a treat! I wish more living historians were as dedicated as you.
I love your hair!!! You look like you stepped out of an old photograph. What a fun event.
I think you look beautiful, Lissa! I've been waiting for you to post about your event all this week, I'm glad you did, it looks like a great time!
Great pictures! You two were a great bride and groom and your boys were adorable! :) It was a beautiful event!
Wow, these photos look like stills from a period costume movie. And despite your thoughts on the picture, I LOVE the last one of you. You look beautiful and radiant and I too LOVE your hair that way! I've been meaning to save my brushings so I can make ratts to attempt a style like that for myself. I tried doing it last fall but I didn't get as much pouf at the sides as you do. I love your dress too. You look absolutely perfect.
Your boys did a great job, they were so adorable! I had a friend visit the fort and she said that you looked beautiful, but she didn't know that brides wore their veils like that.
I love the picture of the sun on the fort, great composition!
I just gave you a blog award: http://theartofclothes.blogspot.com/2009/10/kreativ-blogger-award.html
:)Anna Kristine
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