And lest you were wondering what our house looks like the week before an event, here it is! Yes, those are my starched petticoats hanging out to dry over our organic garden. I'm sure our neighbors think we are nuts (not to mention that we all frequently pile into our minivan in odd assortments of funny clothes) and maybe we are just a little bit. But we sure have fun!
Must get back now to hemming trousers and the frock coat - pictures of which will come soon. Looking forward to Candlelight!
How fun! Hey, we're nuts too. One can find an assortment of sewing and costume accouterments all over my house :-P When are you guys coming back to Portland to play?
I'm sure the boys will be plenty warm... we are always toasty warm in the bedroom (it's the fireplace room! lol). I need to starch my pettis too, thanks for reminding me!
So cute!! Once again I'm loving his hair. :D
Aww, he looks so sweet in his nightshirt. It makes me think of "The Night Before Christmas", the socks really complete the look!
Oh, I love the little night shirts! How cute are those! He does look like he's out of Peter Pan! :)
Thanks! We would love to come play in Portland but I can barely keep up with the sewing for our 1 historical period!
Melissa - I forgot about the fireplace! I'm glad the boys will stay warm. They'll be so excited to see you!
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