My silk trim arrived from India today! I'm so excited to see what the plaid will look like on the bias. The colors are so vivid I think it will really liven up the gray wool.
One of our other major projects recently has been a fledgling vegetable garden. It took us the better part of a month to complete, since we could only work on the weekends, and it required multiple trips of stones, dirt and plants, but we are now the proud owners of a small backyard garden!

It is late in the season, but we managed to get some vegetable starts, so we have cauliflower, broccoli,
kolrahbi, cabbage, cucumber, chives, fennel, carrots and radishes! I planted some lettuce seed, but I think it was too hot the weekend I planted because they never sprouted. I may try them again here soon because it has cooled off considerably the past week. It is a nice sense of self-sustainability, however small!
I should wrap-up now since I can hear the boys screaming in the backyard, but I had to share with you all, because the days silk arrive are the best of all days :)!
Gorgeous silk, what are you planning?
Very nice. What company did you order your silk from?
Beautiful! Silk is always a joy!
Thanks! I got it from Exclusive Silks in India. I'm planning on using it for trim. Hopefully I'll get an project planning post up soon after I finish the kid's shirts.
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