We had a lovely time at Brigade Encampment! It was very relaxing to get out and have fun and just "be" a family! We were having so much fun we forgot to take many pictures, but we did snap a few :)!

The event began with the Booshway announcing the arrival of the 1855 Fur Brigades. They included Kanakas, French-Candian Voyageurs, Russians, Umpqua, Snake River Brigades and others.

Dr. Tolmie and the other gentleman of the Honorable Company welcomed them to the Encampment.

The Booshway spoke to the Brigaders and guests reminding us all of the diversity of the region and its history.

He ended with a chiding reminder for the various Brigades to get along (mostly for the benefit of those French-Canadian voyageurs :) and the Brigade was opened!

The piper played us out to our various activities.

There were Trapper's races- which included setting a trap, running an obstacle course, loading and wheeling barrels, firing a firearm, throwing a tomahawk, running a gauntlet of laundry women with wet rags, starting a fire with flint and steel, and loosening the trap. All timed of course, and even some of the kids got in on the action!

The cooks were busy in the period kitchen preparing all day for the Saturday evening meal. Visitors could stop by and help churn the butter and grind the coffee for the supper.
My boys were busily being boys - playing games and trying to break into the chicken coop...

They tried to get their friend to help them get to the chickens...
Caught in the act!
5 year old + chickens = giggles!!

Sunday morning we had a church service led from the 1855 Book of Common Prayer. Micaila and Heidi from
The Sewing Academy joined us (for this event and all of Brigade Encampment) and we were so happy to spend time with them again! These women are great friends and wonderful living historians!

As the guests emptied out and Brigaders began to pack up, April was hitched to her cart and driven around the Fort - giving us all the real flavor of an agricultural HBC site.

Another Brigade Encampment was history. And I was left with this image that reminded me of what so many women and mothers must have seen as they walked along the Oregon Trail. The joy of their family and the hope of the future...have an eventful day!
That looks like soooooo much fun! I love the boys' outfits. They look awesome! God Bless!
It was fun, wasn't it? Your boys looked so adorable! I'm glad you all got to make it and have a good time together!
LOVE having you back!! The pictures and history were WONDERFUL!!
Love, Mom
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