The story begins when I was studying abroad in Oxford, England and Crusoe was scheming to ask me to marry him. I had mentioned in the past that I wanted to get engaged on a footbridge because that's how Gilbert proposed to Anne in Anne of Avonlea, which is my favorite movie of all time, but I didn't think he would remember.
Bless his heart, Crusoe called all over Oxford looking for a footbridge and he couldn't find any in town. He was coming to visit me and we planned to go to Ireland and then see some sights back in England. I didn't realize it, but there is a famous footbridge, Haypenny Bridge, in the center of Dublin.
Haypenny Bridge also has a fantastic historic past. The bridge opened in 1816 and the toll to cross was a half-penny or haypenny. The walk on the opposite side was called "Bachelor's walk" where Bachelors would have to leave their sweethearts and walk home after taking a romantic stroll across the bridge together.
On this famous bridge, dressed for a fancy 4 -star dinner, in the center of bustling Dublin, my Beloved dropped on bended knee and asked me to be his wife. I was shocked and shaking, but I mumbled something eloquent like "Of course!" Crusoe was so nervous he was afraid he would drop the ring in the river Liffy, but somehow he managed to get it on my finger!
We took our own romantic stroll to the restaurant, where we were gifted with champagne by the owner. The ring sparkled in all the Christmas lights at our table and around town (remember this is Ireland, so no Thanksgiving to celebrate first). It was the best and most magical time of year to be engaged and in love!
We spent the next day touring the monastic ruins of Glendelough and strolling through the sleepy country walks and woolen mills of the Irish countryside all the while knowing we would come home to plan a wedding and begin the rest of our lives together!
Our engagement and time in Ireland was one of the most romantic journeys of my life! I can't wait to take our children there someday and show them where Daddy asked Mommy to marry him. I'm so excited for our date night tonight where we can remember the shared joys of our youth and look forward to the dreams of our future!!
Happy engagement anniversary!! I remember waiting by a phone at work to get a long distance phone call from you--you're husband had already been to see your Dad and ask for your hand. He told us of his plan to hide the ring in his SOCK and take it out on the bridge!! We worried too that he would drop it in the River Liffy!! Finally the call came--two excited young adults in love--we were so happy then--and are still happy for you now! Love, Mom and Dad
Oh, how romantic! Happy anniversary of your engagement Lissa!
How romantic and sweet!
I cannot believe it's been NINE YEARS. I'm reeling, just thinking about that. PS. UW interview 9 January ... you around?
What a sweet, romantic story!
Congratulations on your 9th engagement anniversary!
How romantic! I can't think of anything more romantic than that and the best part of all is that it is a TRUE story! :) I too love that scene in Anne of Green Gables!
Happy Engagement Anniversary!
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