Monday, October 20, 2008

I've Come to Realize...

1. I've come to realize that my family and I... are way too busy.

2. I've come to realize that I talk... probably too much. I'd love to learn to be a better listener.

3. I've come to realize that I love... the smell of rain.

4. I've come to realize that I have... to let my Husband sleep in on the weekends.

5. I've come to realize that, I've lost... my career for the time being.

6. I've come to realize that I hate... political parties.

7. I've come to realize that Marriage is... not a fairy tale.

8. I've come to realize that, somewhere, someone is thinking... what's for dinner?

9. I've come to realize that I'll always have... way too many books to fit in our house.

10. I've come to realize that I don't... have much free time.

11.I've come to realize that the last time I truly cried... I can't honestly remember.

12. I've come to realize that my cell phone is... far too complicated for me to ever understand!

13. I've come to realize that when I wake up in the morning... the kids will already be calling.

14. I've come to realize that before I go to sleep at night... I like to relax with no chores!

15. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking... that I really should be working on dinner.

16. I've come to realize that babies... are so precious!

17. I've come to realize that I get on myspace... What is myspace :)?

18. I've come to realize that today... is a wonderfully, rainy, gloomy day.

19. I've come to realize, that tonight I will... probably be working on budgeting forms.

20. I've come to realize that tomorrow... I will be supervising preschoolers and blocks.

21. I've come to realize that, I really want... to read a good historical novel.

22. I've come to realize the last stupid thing I did was... try to prep potatoes in advance for dinner (they turned a lovely shade of brown :).

23. I've come to realize that my true friends... are close in spirit if not in distance.

24. I've come to realize that my husband... is an incredibly hard-worker.

25. I've come to realize that I need... to get some sleep!

26. I've come to realize that the internet... is fantastic for stay-at-home moms who need to connect!

I hope you've enjoyed reading my revelations. I just tagged most of my friends last week, so anyone reading this is welcome to participate if so desired!

1 comment:

Mrs. G said...

I've come to realize that your post made me smile!
